Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 86

Wow super sets make me super sweat! DANG!!!! It was nice how you would work your muscles one way and then work them in seemingly the opposite way. Good counter balance. I was feeling it on the ski jumps and then the abs... wow burn baby burn! I pushed through and even visited Mikey for 8 minutes directly after Ab failure sets. It was rough!! Lucky for me my phone had a bad connection and the video kept pausing that gave me a mini breather in between.

Everyone's pictures look amazing. I am excited to see the day 90s! I am a little jealous as I know I have a while before I am seeing the same definition and muscle. Not to discount where I have come from. I had a lot to lose and I am very proud to be well on my way. I am sad this project is ending (I cant believe I am saying that) as I am certainly not at my peak. But this is real life and if I cant keep the progress going then this whole thing was a huge waste of time anyway. I am committed and I will lose that last bit of visceral fat and show off my six pack soon!

Work has been crazy this week. I feel like as this project comes to a head everything around me has bumped up in intensity as well. Work is harder, my home life seems strained, I have more obstacles and my cravings for random foods are strong. I am pretty sure my body has had enough :) Regardless I am pushing onward. I am going to finish strong.

WE are pushing onward and WE will finish strong! 4 Days BAM!!! Rock it team, Super Sets and all!


  1. Great post! Yes, I enjoyed the super sets when I did them with Patrick. Got them tonight, solo today.

    You're running with it now. I know you'll blast the finish line. There ya go!

  2. Almost there Kristi! Don't be jealous, you are looking great and such a big difference from the Day 1 pics!
