Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 56

Good weekend. I finally feel like I got some rest in. Not to mention Yesterday my workouts were done by 9:30 am and I had a cleaning house spree!  Top to bottom and even the dogs bed was washed! Then I cooked two chickens and a pork roast. Perhaps I am nesting?

The chicken came out great. I have this great chicken cooker that is pottery and has two wells you fill with wine or beer and then you stick the chicken on there and it steams from the inside out. I seasoned one with Cajun and the other rosemary, thyme and onion. Both came out fabulous. Super moist.

The pork roast I made for Adam. I make him a sandwich for lunch most days. This week I made his favorite, pulled pork. Just slow cook the pork with some onions pepper and garlic. Then shread and cover in BBQ sauce. It looked amazing but since it is not PCP friendly I resisted a taste. Adam let me know it was very good though.

Sat night was fun going out with my Mom. I snapped this goofy picture of us. I couldn’t quite get both of us in the picture!

My neck is killing me. I wanted to get a massage on Sunday but forgot it was Easter, duh! I have to get in. When I do pull downs and pull ups I am always so stiff after. I must not be doing something right but I was very cautious and I still am hurting. I couldn’t get out of bed yesterday even though I told Helen I was going to master my mornings. Fail. Oh well try again tomorrow. I will be jumping after work tonight before my Landmark Seminar. Makes it tough to find time for dinner. Maybe I can throw it together and drink it on the way. Ill make it work!


  1. Wow, check out that chicken!
    I have never been much of a cook pre-PCP and am still too scared to handle a whole chicken myself, but I must give it a try soon!

  2. You WILL make it work! Go for it.

  3. By stiff do you mean sore? Or are the muscles just tight. Sadly, the benefits of a massage are very temporary.

  4. Sunday Roast at your place then ! I hope you make a mean gravy too !!!

  5. I want you to adopt me! You know so much about food.

    Can you tell me, what are 'grits?' Patrick said they were a Bad Thing.

  6. Are you talking about grits as in the American "Southern" food? If so they are like a wheat mushy thing that Southern people eat with just about everything. Mostly for breakfast but I have also had cheese grits with jalapenos and fried oysters... MMMMMMM. Have you ever had cream of wheat? They are sorta like that, like oatmeal that has been blended or something. I have had both good, and bad grits.

  7. PS I am a Yankee from the north, I did not grow up with Grits. We had cream of wheat and only occasionally. :)

  8. Sounds scrummy.

    My BFF in Japan, a majesty called Tiffany, of proud German-American stock went back home to Minnemousepolis and I miss her!

    Americans are sometimes suprised to hear I've never visited the US, but it's on the list after Brazil!
