Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 37

I am the girl with the candy dish on her desk. Yup… PCP and all. I don’t indulge in the candy. I do however take great pride in picking out what goes in the dish. I scan the candy isle at the market up and down for the perfect kind. It has to stay in form, as in wont melt easily or be messy. I like candy that is individually wrapped. I learned that the office does not care for hard candies such as Jolly Ranchers that took months to get through. Each time the candy has to be different to keep everyone on their toes. I love making others happy, even if it is just a Nano-second of a break to come walk over grab some little indulgence and take a mini mental break from work.

Every time someone comes over and has a piece they exclaim, “I have no idea how you sit here with the candy dish in front of you and don’t have any?”

I love that comment. I can do it because I know I am committed. It is a constant reminder to me that I am strong and I can do this. Do I sometimes want a snickers mini, or a York peppermint patty? YES!! Do I have one? NO!! Why? Because it is a choice and I am choosing to be amazing. 


  1. Excellent black belt technique!

  2. Oh nice! I used the black belt technique when I made Adam cookies and watched him eat them. My weakness is the booze though. I don't drink a lot, two or three on one of the weekend nights and maybe a marg on the boat. But it has been a struggle saying no during those times. I need to use more black belt power here....

  3. I ate all those snickers! yummmm :P
