Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 46

I am out of the valley!!! My workouts are tough but I am digging in and welcoming the burn. Today I woke up and could jump rope, and well. The 2x7 was incredibly easy and just for fun I decided to count, I did about 1500 in the 14 minutes. This is WAY more than I have ever done in that short a time period and I am proud as hell about it. Not only that but I think I tripped up only 4 times. My rhythm is there, finally, it only took me 45 days!

Lunges were rough. I had to push for the last set. I like squats so much better. Tuesdays planks I think I cried a tear it was so hard. Yesterday however, I think I could have done another set of 50! I’m high energy and not even feeling hungry in between meals. In fact yesterday I forgot to eat my evening snack. I know that’s not a good thing but the last few days I couldn’t wait to eat it because I was starving. 

I am not sure what changed, perhaps it is the 10lbs I lost and the inch all around (see new posted pictures). I mean wow. I am seeing major changes. I even have little arm muscles. I have always been a bean pole (and lately a chubby version of a bean pole) complete with long stringy arms so the idea that there are little muscles appearing is pretty rad.

Tomorrow is the Lady Gaga concert. I started planning this late last summer. My goal was 20lbs for gaga. Unfortunately I slacked and didn’t even start losing anything till PCP. So I am only half way to the intended goal. That’s ok I think the PCP has gotten me healthier and stronger. The yoyo diet I would have done to get there is nothing compared to this lifestyle change. In fact I don’t even care about how much I loose, its more about being healthy and strong.  The goal was to put together an outrageously-sexy-crazy outfit to wear to the show. Well I am happy to say I have all of that together and I look HOT in it. Can’t wait to post my pics…..

Gaga ohhh LA LA!!!


  1. Kristi --- this is great! Love your attitude here...keep it going. Read this post on a future day when you "dip" again. It will charge you back up!

  2. Awesome job w the jumprope! And I totally agree on preferring equate over lunges..
    Looking good in the new photos :)

  3. Have a great time! Valleys will come and go, just keep your eyes on the goal and don't let the ups and downs distract you. Good progress!
