Monday, March 28, 2011

Evening of the 26th, Day 27 and 28

Saturday night was a BLAST. The indulgence couldn’t have been on a better weekend. I headed with my girls to Tampa. Had dinner at a café and got to see a bike race. We ate outside and the weather was perfect. 

After, we headed to the comedy show. It was funny and my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. When the show was done we ran over to a local club and got on the guest list. A friend knew the DJ. I love guest lists :)  NO LINE NO WAITING!! Then I enjoyed my indulgence. 2 sugar free redbull vodkas. Ahhh, just like heaven. Well no not really, they taste like piss as they typically do BUT man oh man did I catch a buzz. We danced from midnight till 3 am. The house was ROCKING! And I am not talking any wiggling in the corner. Oh no, I was on stage with my girls popin’ locking, top rock and busting a few serious dance moves. Dancing for me is its very own high. I probably burned 1000 calories. Here is a cute pic of me and the girls out shaking our groove thangs.

Oh then Sunday came. Remember, I was being a trouper and went out even though I had the nagging cough. Well dancing till 3am did not help matters. Sunday I spent ingesting cough meds and being VERY unproductive. I took three naps during the day.

Today I decided to work from home. I also decided it was time to see a doctor. As I suspected I have an Upper Repertory Infection. Now it is Antibiotics, Cough suppressants and decongestants for me. Sigh.
Although I am sick I still managed my jumps, all 1300. There were no records here today. After 400 (stop and start) I had to sit down for a good 10 minutes. I did 250 more and had to lay down on the ground for a bit. Finally I busted through the rest (all stop and start). I did feel better when they were behind me. Getting there was no easy feat. I am already dreading tomorrows. I just feel like my body is so week.

This coming week I am committing to doing 150 jumps in a row. I gett hung up a lot but I know I can do it I just have to push. If I can do sets of 150 instead of 100 and do them with minimal tripping over the rope, I could cut my time drastically. Right now it is an average of 24 minutes.

 Anyhow I sort of like the new diet. 1 apple 1 banana for dinner. Kinda takes out the thinking part when the questions arises, “what’s for dinner?” We shall see how I feel about it at the end of the week. Here is a pic of my lunch from yesterday. Seafood on spaghetti squash with roasted garlic whole wheat toasts.

Anyone else excited to be at day 30…. It is 1/3 of the way thorough!!


  1. Great blog, great photo, great enthusiasm, and I second that excitement to be at day 30...

    Look after yourself and Keeping rocking it ...

  2. Garliccccc!!!!!!!!!!!! Vaderetros!!!

  3. How yummy does your lunch look? Still been meaning to try making your spaghetti squash. Sounds like you had a great night out with the girls and i'm sure you felt good after dancing all night long! Keep it up Kristi, love your positivity and great spirit, you're kicking this PCP! Ps. my skipping sucks this week, also tripping up loads, maybe it's time for a new rope ??

  4. I agree with your thoughts on new dinner diet...egg whites, banana, apple, milk...all in the thinking no trying to get fancy and creative and takes little time...wooohooo...guess can add a bit of cinammon, nutmeg and crushed ice and should taste pretty good!!!

  5. Take care and get well soon.
    And kudos for getting through the jumps while sick!

  6. I love how you manage to balance PCP and rockin' the house till 3am!!! You definitely have the right idea. I love it!
    By the way your spaghetti squash marinara looks divine. Of course, I am reading this while nibbling on my very unappetising egg white and apple :( Next time I should whizz it all up in the blender and pretend it's a smoothie? Any chance I could bake whipped egg whites and make into some kind of meringuey thing?
