Got to sleep in finally! Had a rough night of coughing and hacking. I felt bad for my man so I slept on the couch for part of the night. Took some cough mess and finally passed out around 5am. I was very groggy making breakfast. Feeling generous this morning so I made Adam (boyfriend) some ham, egg, tomato, cheese sandwiches as well. The cheese was all melty and looked so good. I know I'm a cheeseiholic! I would take cheese over chocolate any day. Surprisingly I was ok just watching it melt. I'm certainly getting stronger with my will power as well as the muscles.
Speaking of strong will. Yesterday I had two major tests. I have been avoiding luncheons with my work crew for some time now. I decided to join them and my friend Sara at a BBQ pit for lunch. I brought my brown rice, veg and chicken. There was pulled pork, ribs and BBQ sauce every where I looked. Just walking up to the restaurant make my mouth water as they were pumping out the BBQ aroma. I stayed string though and it felt good! Test number 2 came that evening. Pacific Rim, my favorite Sushi place for dinner with a crew. It was a late dinner and I was starving so I got grumpy when they served everyone complimentary egg rolls. They smelled sooooo good!!! Everyone was happily munching away and throwing back cocktails. I gritted my teeth and had water with lemon. Kept thinking about how awesome I'm going to look in a few months. Finally my salad with no dressing and sashimi came out. It was amazing. I did mix some wasabi with low sodium soy sauce just to get it pasty. I can't have sashimi with out the spice! By the end of dinner I was quite proud of myself!
1150 jumps in 24 minutes. This seems to be the average all week. Can't seem to get back to the 18 minutes from the other day. It's getting hot around here however and I think that has some to do with it. I need to get a mist of cool water to spray on me and jump in a swim suit pretty soon!! Seriously it will be 85-90 in the mornings in no time. The strength has been ok. Those planks are rough... The crouch walk thing hurts my knees. I have no idea how the V sit is suppose to look like but I am sure I'm doing it wrong.
Tonight we are going to go watch Steve Harvey the comedian in Tampa. It's girls night out so dinner first then dancing at some outrageous club (he he I'm holding about the outrageous part)! Can't wait to get my groove on. You had better believe I will be using my "indulgence" allowance tonight. I want a small bite of something cheesy, a small bite of something chocolaty and then 2 vodka and sugar free redbull drinks :) I can barely wait!!! Ok time to pick out an outfit! Cheers everyone :)
Why do I love Florida so much??? How about all the fresh fruit! Morning snack:
So you live in FL! Yep - it's great. We live in the Orlando area.
ReplyDeletedam! those strawberries dont look anything like the ones in HK!
The nice thing about not succumbing to food temptations at a festive event is that it makes your willpower ironclad for the smaller temptations that you have in a usual day. You can say to yourself "If I didn't crack THEN, I sure won't crack NOW"
ReplyDeleteNothing taste as good as thin feels... so proud of you for our lemon water and passing on the egg rolls!!! You do and will continue to look awesome!!! Way to go K!!!
ReplyDeleteMolly! I was scooping you out before I started and I did notice that but I had forgotten. YAY FL is amazing, I moved here in July last year and it is the best thing ever.
ReplyDeleteGiles, they tasted even better than they looked!
Patrick and Paula, YES!! It was liberating to pass up. Hard, but liberating. I know I am stronger now because of it. Thanks :)