Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 23

Last night I pushed myself on the jumps. I got 1050 done in 18 minutes! Much better than the 30min from before. This morning however when I did them I could only muster up 23 minutes :) Oh well. Also I have been whipping myself with the jump rope when I trip. I am starting to look like I got beat up. The pictures didn’t come out very well but I thought I would share them. Also last night it was so hot and I was sweating my butt off. So in addition here is a picture of me at the end of my workout covered in sweat, YUCK!!

I am so tired today. Perhaps it is the lack of carbs at dinner or something? I feel like I could sleep for a week. Tomorrow I have to get up early and do my work out in full. Patrick really stepped it up and I am struggling so it takes me a while. After work we are going diving though! Yay something to look forward too!! Hope you all have a great first part of the day!


  1. Don't worry, I think everyone whips themselves a lot with the rope in the beginning. Just keep at it and the jumping gets better... eventually.

  2. Thanks Brian! Wow just checking out your Blog, You look great!! Keep up the good work!
