Here is some homework I have been meaning to post since yesterday but ran out of hours before I could. Tonight I will be bringing my laptop home from work and blogging after I complete my super sets.
The gym is always a funny place. I worked in one through high school for three years. I feel like my years there better represented what Patrick probably wants us to notice than my most recent trip to the gym. This is because I live in Florida and the people who go to my gym are in two categories, athletes/ body builders and old people. There were barely any people who were in-between. So for my current demographic I don’t know if yesterday’s visit was worthwhile. The body builders came in pairs mostly and pushed each other through the lifts. Most of them using the free weights and bench press. One of the older guys (mid 50’s to 60’s?) Was doing pull ups and his back was incredible. He must have done 50 at least. The seniors in the club were all on some kind of machine, bike, treadmill, or elliptical. Slowly they were doing their thing, each watching the individual tv (soaps or news) or chatting with each other. They obviously were hip to the low impact workouts :)
Regardless, I have spent enough hours in a gym to get the point. Through the three years I worked there I was never as in shape as I am now working out at home with just a few tools. No fancy equipment ect. New year’s Resolution’s always bring a new wave of people. The regulars would always complain about this. Again, before summer always brought a new wave. All these folks would go for about a week or two than quit. Then there were the people who came and just socialized. Typically an older crowd and it was mostly men. Honestly I don’t think they even did anything there except talk. I guess it was jaw exercising. After school brought the high school jocks, they would be running, swimming or weight lifting. It was all a macho show down, who can lift the most, pushing and picking on each other, and of course checking out the other gender whenever possible.
On another note I found this Ab workout online:
These are called surrender sit-ups due to the hand position. Your arms will be above your head as if you were surrendering to someone. In the upright position, place your feet flat on the floor. Slowly lower yourself back like a traditional sit-up, but only go as far as you can without lifting your feet off the floor. When your feet begin to rise, come back up to the starting position. Squeeze your glutes throughout the entire movement.
Haha I totally agree the gym feels like one big macho showdown!