Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 72

I have found myself back in the valley. I am PCP miserable. Most likely my body has had enough. I have been bad too :/ Last night we had a work function. I caved and had a few martinis and a couple bites of apps that I am more than sure were not on our list of things allowed. To make matters worse I got home late and after doing my Jumps could not bring myself to do my work out. I had nothing left. Since Monday was our regular non strength day this was day number two with no strength and now I am feeling quite defeated. 

Then on Mother’s day my family went to a HUGE all you can eat buffet. Luckily for me they had huge Prawn and Oysters. I was able to fill up with bread, salad, and the seafood. However I did succumb to a small amount of fruit crisp. I did not have the billions of other danishes, bacon, cupcakes, cheese patters, ham and roast beef carving stations. UGH it was HARD!

So needless to say I need to step it up. I promised I would be solid for the last 30 days and I already haven’t accomplished that. The next 18 days need to be spot on. I want to get the most out of this. I really am hoping the last 3 pounds will be gone. That is one for every week left, a fair request.
I am also committing to redoing the exercise portion of the program after this is all over. I think I will push harder this time because I will have better form and strength to begin with and instead of struggling I will be able to nail all of the exercises giving me a solid base. This coupled with having a better overall diet (thanks PCP) will help increase my strength. I won’t be going back to the gym. The jump rope, my bands and my pull up/ sit up bar is all I need. My goals for the end of the summer are to be able to do a single perfect pull up, be able to do 20 perfect push-ups in a row, and to be able to lose 5 more pounds. I think this is more than attainable with some hard work.

Ill leave you with a random thought, I have been thinking more and more about having children lately. I guess at almost 30 this is probably natural. I always wanted to be one of those women who had the really cute figure with the little basketball belly. Not one of those women you see who maybe are pregnant but it is hard to tell…. Not to mention the fit women always bounce back quickly to their pre pregnancy jeans. Ahhhh planning ahead is great :)


  1. Oh Kristi ---- I wish I had the body I have now before having kids! You are doing it the right way --- get fit FIRST and then have kids. Hang in there, finish strong and you'll be ready to take on that PG body no problem!

  2. Funny how these PCP cycles come and go huh?
    I'm still lazing in bed with my iPad now but I better get up and do my skips :(

  3. As you've seen, promises and vows to not cheat for x number of days are seldom productive. Big declarations are futile, small countless good choices are the key.

  4. I'm also committing myself to keep
    Up the diet (6 meals, lots of greens + veg, min. Carbs) and exercise portions post PCP, with some modification and fine tuning of course :-) plus I'll reconnect with yoga again. I can't wait. It's so awesome how PCP will change your life. Don't sweat the bad days, let's focus on the next 18days ! It'll be over before we know it. Here's to proper pull up on D90!!! Eeeeek.

  5. It seems quite a few of us (myself definitely included) have been slipping back into the valley and caving on the diet at the same time which is reassuring as perhaps we are all getting to that breaking point we should be at so near the end! The post PCP kids thing has been on my mind too but from a slightly different angle. Before all this I was ready to go but now I feel like I've worked so damn hard to get my body in shape and to have to do it all over again after having kids terrifies me!!! But you're right - fit women DO bounce back so much faster!

  6. Great work saying no to all the temptations at the Mother's Day brunch. And to keeping positive although you feel in the valley again. It will pass!

    In an ideal world there are no slips, but we are not in that world. Slipping up at Mother's Day is probably the best time to do it. (I miss my Mum in the UK).

    Take it steady Lady K! We've established some strong patterns that will carry us through the last section. Have confidence in them!

  7. Thanks everyone for the positive feedback!!
