Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 90

 A picture is worth a thousand words…

 My cat weighs 13lbs which is close to how much I lost!
 Day 1                                                    Day 90
Weight: 154.2                                        Weight: 142.6
BMI: 22.769                                          BMI: 21.056
Body Fat: 28.5%                                    Body Fat: 23.9%
Waist: 31 inches                                     Waist: 27 inches
Arm: 11.25 inches                                  Arm: 10.5 inches
Thigh: 24.5 inches                                 Thigh: 23 inches
Hips: 36 inches                                       Hips: 32 inches
 Ok so I am not a master at yoga but I thought I would give a go at "looking" like my inspirational photo. I fell many times trying to get this shot :) Besides the bad form, I am pleased with my body in the picture.

 My pets are a huge part of my life. They have been with me through thick and thin! PCP was no exception!

This was literally the best thing I could have done for myself. If you are even slightly interested in doing this program don’t even think about it, just go for it. It was tough but it certainly has paid off and I feel amazing. 

Huge thanks to Patrick for educating us and for putting together this program in the first place. You said in the beginning that you wanted us to be able to “fire you” at the end of this program as we would have all the tools we need to continue on with this healthy lifestyle. Well in the infamous words of Donald Trump, “You’re Fired!” Great job man, really.

Day 45er’s, keep rocking it. Day 90 felt like it was a million years away and here we are. Keep the new group in check and press forward! You got this!!

And finally my fellow day 90er’s, what can I say besides thank you? Each one of you has helped me get here. You kept me accountable, you were sweating right along with me, and I am absolutely proud of every single one of you. I told you I would be starting another blog and I have started. Here is the link:

I hope to keep in touch with each one of you. You can also find me on Facebook however I am under my full name “Kristine” rather than just “Kristi”, find me. You were all amazing and I will miss you.

"I’m glad we had the times together just to laugh and sing a song, seems like we just got started and then before you know it, the times we had together were gone."  -Dr. Seuss

Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 88

Oh man, I am very excited for this long holiday weekend. I have so many plans! Tonight kicks off with a 7pm social at the Hub, a local networking place for artists and creative people. They are hosting a band called Break Fix, a dj and a drummer duo. They are fantastic and always have me jumping around. Following that is after hours at Ivory lounge more electronica and dancing.

Tomorrow is a boaty boat day, ah sun and sea! Later that evening  we are headed to watch my friend take a food challenge to eat 10 Ghost pepper hot wings from a restaurant called 420 Munchies Café (open till 420am) Ha ha ha… Check out their menu, the fat sandwiches on the right side will make you cringe. This place is soooooo anti-PCP. I will be going only for the entertainment factor. ANYWAY. After he kills himself with heartburn, we are hitting the town for night number two of dancing. 

Sunday is the ever waited for day 90. I will spend my morning taking my 90 day photos and the elusive last workout. Then I am off to a BBQ. I am sorta hoping we can eat by then but if not I will be treating myself to some lobster for sure. Monday is boat day number two. This day is going to be margarita filled for me. I am bringing my blender to the boat.

I am actually loving these super sets. Strange as it is, I feel like I am getting more of a workout doing them. I may make my post PCP workout similar to these. V-sits till failure never let me down on the pain side. I still got some 8 minutes of Mikey in after though.

I have had a bloated feeling most of the week (but surprisingly no cramps, must be my clean and healthy system)… sorry guys, too much info. Ladies I am sure you know what I am talking about. Hoping by day 90 it subsides. Otherwise my pics aren’t going to be quite as sharp with my tummy puffed out! 2 days left! Wow, time certainly does fly. Of course back on day 30 in the middle of sit ups and cursing I probably would have told you it was crawling, funny how the perception of time can change.

Hope you all have a great FRIDAY!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 87

I think everyone is having the toughest week yet. I mean not even that we are into our super sets. Some people are sick, some are stressed at work, and some are working crazy hours. I know I am dealing with my own crazy demons. It is like Hell week! YAY!!!

I am totally freaked out to do my sets tonight after reading all your blogs. Being almost a full day behind has a major downside. Like seeing how bad the workouts are :) Or the fact that you will all be enjoying your day 90 before I am even awake! So I hope you all read my Blog since I will probably be the last to post!! Ha ha!

I have been really enjoying this blogging thing. In fact I am sad to see it go. So I decided to put together a new blog where I could still merrily blog away on my lunch breaks.  Once the site is up I will send you all a link.
The blog is going to be a testament to my Thirties. Basically when I turned 28 I realized I thought my life was kinda, well, not awful, but not what I wanted. I made a commitment to myself (that I didn’t even realize I was making) to change. Before the year was over I moved across country away from my family and friends. I bought a home (finally) all by myself. I got a new group of people to hang with. I went through the Landmark Education program. Which I have mentioned a few times before but seriously, the best thing I have ever done with PCP coming in a close second. The only reason I say that is because I never would have done the PCP if I hadn’t done Landmark. .

I started diving, and now I am almost done the PCP. Landmark changed my thought process, PCP changed my health, I am working the insides and out sides! YAY! Well, all of this has lead me to age 29 and of course I will never be done creating my life, but what I have done is taken a big step to Re-create my life. I am so incredibly happy. More to come on that later….
Happy Thursday folks! 3 days to go. I think the best thing to do in the last bit is just not to think.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 86

Wow super sets make me super sweat! DANG!!!! It was nice how you would work your muscles one way and then work them in seemingly the opposite way. Good counter balance. I was feeling it on the ski jumps and then the abs... wow burn baby burn! I pushed through and even visited Mikey for 8 minutes directly after Ab failure sets. It was rough!! Lucky for me my phone had a bad connection and the video kept pausing that gave me a mini breather in between.

Everyone's pictures look amazing. I am excited to see the day 90s! I am a little jealous as I know I have a while before I am seeing the same definition and muscle. Not to discount where I have come from. I had a lot to lose and I am very proud to be well on my way. I am sad this project is ending (I cant believe I am saying that) as I am certainly not at my peak. But this is real life and if I cant keep the progress going then this whole thing was a huge waste of time anyway. I am committed and I will lose that last bit of visceral fat and show off my six pack soon!

Work has been crazy this week. I feel like as this project comes to a head everything around me has bumped up in intensity as well. Work is harder, my home life seems strained, I have more obstacles and my cravings for random foods are strong. I am pretty sure my body has had enough :) Regardless I am pushing onward. I am going to finish strong.

WE are pushing onward and WE will finish strong! 4 Days BAM!!! Rock it team, Super Sets and all!


Here is some homework I have been meaning to post since yesterday but ran out of hours before I could. Tonight I will be bringing my laptop home from work and blogging after I complete my super sets.

The gym is always a funny place. I worked in one through high school for three years. I feel like my years there better represented what Patrick probably wants us to notice than my most recent trip to the gym. This is because I live in Florida and the people who go to my gym are in two categories, athletes/ body builders and old people. There were barely any people who were in-between. So for my current demographic I don’t know if yesterday’s visit was worthwhile. The body builders came in pairs mostly and pushed each other through the lifts. Most of them using the free weights and bench press. One of the older guys (mid 50’s to 60’s?) Was doing pull ups and his back was incredible. He must have done 50 at least. The seniors in the club were all on some kind of machine, bike, treadmill, or elliptical. Slowly they were doing their thing, each watching the individual tv (soaps or news) or chatting with each other. They obviously were hip to the low impact workouts :)

Regardless, I have spent enough hours in a gym to get the point. Through the three years I worked there I was never as in shape as I am now working out at home with just a few tools. No fancy equipment ect. New year’s Resolution’s always bring a new wave of people. The regulars would always complain about this. Again, before summer always brought a new wave. All these folks would go for about a week or two than quit. Then there were the people who came and just socialized. Typically an older crowd and it was mostly men. Honestly I don’t think they even did anything there except talk. I guess it was jaw exercising. After school brought the high school jocks, they would be running, swimming or weight lifting. It was all a macho show down, who can lift the most, pushing and picking on each other, and of course checking out the other gender whenever possible.

On another note I found this Ab workout online:
These are called surrender sit-ups due to the hand position. Your arms will be above your head as if you were surrendering to someone. In the upright position, place your feet flat on the floor. Slowly lower yourself back like a traditional sit-up, but only go as far as you can without lifting your feet off the floor. When your feet begin to rise, come back up to the starting position. Squeeze your glutes throughout the entire movement.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 84

Oh what a weekend. I had a great time and kept extremely busy. Sunday was a great day as I got in a fantastic workout. I just felt pumped about it and I seemed to glide through the sets and do extras like nothing. I even threw in some extra Ab workouts on top of the 8 min abs and some more pull ups to boot. I am even excited to get my jumps in today. Yesterday I went straight for the first time ever (less a few trip ups) for 23 minutes. I usually give myself a 1 minute breather in between each 7 minute session for a quick stretch sip of water and breath catch. I didn’t even need it and just powered through the 7 minutes and through the two 1 minute breaks. It is the most in shape I have felt through the whole project!

Friday night we went to the Museum Courtyard for a special exhibit focused on Hip Hop. They called it “Beyond Bling”. It was simply stunning inside. The courtyard was breathtaking. I had not been to the museum yet. Coupled with the fact that there were break dancers, a DJ, and booze flowing… it was quite a clash of cultures.  The graffiti art, beautiful summer evening, and great company made for an amazing evening. Here are a few pics to give you a feel for how it was.
 The courtyard from the balcony. DJ spinning on the far right, Dancing on the left.
 Caught me dancing.
 The DJ, kinda dark on my camera phone.
 Goofing off
 More pretty court yard pics
 Apparently the Photographer took a liking to me as he followed me around most of the night in his electric wheel chair. We see him around the clubs a lot, he is a good guy but it is pretty funny none the less. Him buzzing around behind me winking and clicking shot after shot. There are near 10 pictures of me and my friend in that evening alone. HILARIOUS!
 The break dancers
 The entrance to the Ringling museum.

Saturday we went to the beach. It was a fun day to be lazy and enjoy the sun. Unfortunately I burnt my bum! I did a good job at reapplying the sun screen but I neglected my booty! I am certainly paying the price now. It is red, red, red and sore, sore, sore! I thought for sure I had ruined my last PCP week. Luckily a few advil and lots and lots of aloe and I am doing ok. It is still a little tender but (butt he he) I was able to do my work out and sitting in my office chair is not debilitating. Now I just have to pray that it doesn’t peel in time for day 90 pictures!!